Friday, November 1, 2013

Assignment 7

1. Go to and look around it a little bit. Now go to Now why do you think the .com website is more exciting than the .org website? 
 I think .org pages come from a company or an association. They could either promote sell or offer things among other functions. Besides, I don't think they share a same function. I think .org has a more professional function than .com.   

2. Why do you think the Disney website has more hyperlinks, advertisements, and other distracting options to click on?
Well what would be the point of having a website that displays only one image?
Hyperlinks and advertisements give you a broader option of entertainment. That is the function of the website, to promote and entertain. Those type of websites profit from making publicity. If you like THEM you consume their products. 

3. If you had to construct/create your own webpage from the beginning, what would you want it to be about and why?
It would be something deep. perhaps a "blog type" website where i share other people's personal experiences or success stories. 

4. How many programmers do you think would have to work with you to make your website possible? Would it seem impossible to construct/create a webpage by yourself? Why? 
I think I would at least need 2-3 programmers. I COULD TRY to do it by myself but i have no experience in the field. 

5. What would you want to name your website? Type that name into the web-address bar, is it taken already?
I'd name it "life is worth it". Well sort of,. When I typed in "" it sent me to this webpage "". I think it's like a fitness webpage or something. So yeah., the name is taken. 

6. Explain why webpages with flash videos, images, and color take longer to load than pages with only text?
Because it has a more complex animation. The simpler the faster. And it takes more time for the computer to process that much information. Images and videos are a much more complex structure than plain text. 

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